Tom Jacobs

Tom Jacobs (°1961), MA, holds a Master in Psychology and Education of the Ghent University.
At the Belgian Bankers' Association Training Department (now Febelfin Academy) he coordinated the introduction of computer-based training in the Belgian banking sector. Later he coordinated projects of the European Commission for the development of classical distance learning in Hungary, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania and Turkmenistan.
Next, he worked as a consultant in project and process management and in that position managed the execution phase of the euro-project at Delta Lloyd Life. In the same period, he started training in project management at IIR and Vlerick Business School (up to the present).
In 2003 he became a full-time trainer in time management other project management related soft skills (meeting skills, leadership, communication, negotiation and conflict handling, … ).
As a freelance trainer, specialised in project management and personal productivity, he works for private companies, public organisations and universities (Doctoral Schools).
Tom’s typical teaching style is characterised by maturity, professional experience, practice-oriented tips & tricks and a contagious enthusiasm.