Personal efficiency

In the early days, a course on time management was a privilege for middle and top managers. Today, every co-worker is supposed to know how to organize his/her work so he/she makes the best use of the available working hours.
But as not everyone's situation is the same, your personal productivity approach is not a one size fits all solution.
This workshop offers the individual participant insight in the principles, techniques and methods of self-management, process management and personal organization.
The workshop is based upon present understanding of efficient workflows and scientific research in the functioning of the human brain.
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to
- Set and maintain priorities
- Use deadlines pro-actively instead of undergoing them
- Define S.M.A.R.T.E.R. goals
- Keep e-mails under controle and integrate them in their personal planning
- Apply useful tips & tricks in Outlook, even for experienced users
- Recognize time wasters and address them more consciously
- Handle stress better by creating a peace of mind
- Forget less and do more thanks to effective To-Do-lists (e.g. scrum board)
- Schedule work more realistically, including the daily 'unforeseen' things
- Fulfil their responsibilities better thanks to better follow-up
- Be more assertive and say 'no' in a constructive manner (without the word "no")
- Make more purposeful use of modern information and communication technology