Tom Jacobs

Tom Jacobs (°1961), MA. In 1984, I got a Master's in Psychology and Education at the Ghent University.
At the Belgian Bankers' Association Training Department (now Febelfin Academy) I coordinated the introduction of computer-based training in the Belgian banking sector. Later I coordinated projects of the European Commission for the development of classical distance learning in Hungary, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania and Turkmenistan.
Next, I worked as a consultant in project and process management and in that position managed the execution phase of the euro-project at Delta Lloyd Life. In the same period, I started to give training in project management at IIR and Vlerick Business School (up to the present).
In 2003, I became a full-time trainer in time management other project management related soft skills (meeting skills, leadership, communication, negotiation and conflict handling, … ).
As a freelance trainer, specialized in project management and personal productivity, I work for private companies, public organizations and universities (Doctoral Schools).
According to the participants' evaluations my typical teaching style is characterized by maturity, professional experience, practice-oriented tips & tricks and a contagious enthusiasm.